Statement by Director General Mohamed ElBaradei to the Board of Governors

November 29, 2004

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

I refer to my introductory statement at the opening of the Board last Thursday, in which I informed you that, with one exception, the Agency had been able to complete its verification of Iran's suspension of its enrichment related and reprocessing activities. That exception related to Iran's request to "use up to 20 sets of [centrifuge] components for R&D purposes." At that time, I noted that we were still in discussion on this matter.

On 28 November 2004, I received a letter from Iran in which it refers to the 20 sets of centrifuge components, and states that Iran "permits the IAEA to place these sets of components under Agency surveillance." In the letter Iran also states that it "will not conduct any testing of these sets of components." In that letter, Iran also informed me that, as previously indicated, it would provide the Agency with the identification numbers of these components.

Today, Agency inspectors put surveillance cameras in place to monitor the 20 sets of centrifuge components. The identification numbers have also been received. As a consequence, all measures necessary for the verification of Iran's suspension of enrichment related activities are now in place. Naturally, in accordance with the draft resolution before you, I will inform Board members should the suspension not be fully sustained, or should the Agency be prevented from verifying all elements of the suspension.