IAEA Statement After Iran Meeting

August 24, 2012

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

The following is the text of a media statement by Herman Nackaerts, Deputy Director General for Safeguards, after talks between senior International Atomic Energy Agency officials and Iranian delegates in Vienna on 24 August:

"Ladies and gentlemen,

"As announced by the Director General earlier this week, we met today to continue our discussions with Iran on the clarification of concerns regarding Iran's nuclear programme, focusing on its possible military dimensions.

"As in our last meeting in June, we intended to finalise the structured approach paper that has been under consideration for many months. Today the Agency team came with a constructive spirit and hoped that the few remaining differences in the text could be resolved.

"The discussions today were intensive, but important differences remain between Iran and the Agency that prevented agreement on this structured approach paper.

"The team will now inform the Director General, and in a few days he will present his report to the Board of Governors.

"At the moment we have no plans for a follow-up meeting."