Statement by U.S. Ambassador Gregory Schulte to the IAEA Board of Governors on Why Iran is on the Security Council's Agenda

February 28, 2006

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Related Country: 

  • Iran

Yesterday's report by the Director General demonstrates why Iran's nuclear program is now on the Security Council's agenda.

First, after three years of intensive IAEA efforts, the Director General is unable to certify the peaceful nature of Iran's program. Troubling issues remain unresolved, including Iran's connections to the A.Q. Khan network. New issues have been uncovered, including ones with a military dimension.

Second, Iran's cooperation remains forced and incomplete. Iran has refused to document its activities and give access to key individuals. It has refused to turn over documentation on manufacturing nuclear weapons components. Its stories are incomplete and inconsistent with other information available to IAEA inspectors.

Third, Iran's leaders are forging ahead to acquire the material, equipment, and expertise to produce nuclear weapons. The DG reports that Iran has now stockpiled 85 metric tons of uranium hexafluoride - and continues to produce more. The DG reports Iran that has begun enrichment -- and plans to start installing 3,000 centrifuges in its full-scale enrichment facility in less than a year.

On February 4, the IAEA reported to the Security Council on the steps Iran must take to start regaining the confidence of the international community. Dr. ElBaradei's report documents that Iran's leaders have failed, once again, to meet these requirements.

This is not a peaceful program. This is not innocent "research and development."

Rather, this is why the IAEA found Iran in noncompliance with its safeguards obligations. This is why Iran's leaders have lost the confidence of the international community.

In sum, this is why Iran's nuclear program is now on the agenda of the UN Security Council.