Statement by Deputy FM Ali Khoshrou Before the 9th Session of the Conference of CWC State Parties

November 29, 2004

Weapon Program: 

  • Chemical
The Islamic Republic of Iran has always taken a great interest in international peace and security, through opposing proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and calling for their total and irreversible elimination. In this respect, we welcome promotion of full and effective implementation of the CWC, as the first truly non-discriminatory multilateral disarmament treaty, and its related universal verification. Iran, from the beginning, has been one of the active proponents of the conclusion of the CWC and its full and nondiscriminatory implementation. It has, therefore, made significant contributions to the negotiations and conclusion of the Convention. Since the entry into force of the Convention, we have been supporting the organization in its endeavors to achieve the objectives of the Convention and earnestly fulfilled our obligations.
