Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
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The Thirty-first Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (Session of Progress and Global Harmony), held in Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, from 26 to 28 Rabiul Thani, 1425H (14-16 June 2004),
Recalling the relevant OIC decisions and resolutions, particularly those adopted in the Tenth OIC Summit held in Putrajaya, Malaysia and the Thirtieth Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers held in Tehran.
Reaffirming the inalienable rights of Member States, without discrimination, to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes;
Reaffirming that nothing in the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Statute, shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all parties to develop and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes;
Noting with appreciation that the Islamic Republic of Iran has continued its cooperation with the IAEA and adopted the necessary measures to resolve the outstanding issues;
1.Recognizes that any attempt aimed at limiting the application of peaceful uses of nuclear energy would affect the sustainable development of developing countries.
2.Recognizes the inalienable right of the Islamic Republic of Iran to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, as enshrined in the NPT and the Statute of the IAEA.
3.Expresses concern that certain circles are putting pressure against the Islamic Republic of Iran to renounce its inalienable right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, and expresses its support and solidarity with that country.
4.Welcomes the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran has signed the Additional Protocol to the IAEA Safeguard Agreements and has granted unrestricted access to all locations the Agency deemed necessary.
5.Invites all States to assist the IAEA Director General to establish a Framework of Cooperation, in consultation with the Islamic Republic of Iran, to bring all outstanding issues to a closure.
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