The 1737 Committee
1. The Committee was established by paragraph 18 of Security Council resolution 1737 (2006), on 23 December 2006, to undertake tasks related to the measures contained in that resolution.
2. The Committee is a subsidiary organ of the Security Council and will consist of all the members of the Council.
3. The Chairperson of the Committee will be appointed by the Security Council to serve in his/her personal capacity. The Chairperson will be assisted by two Vice Chairs who will also be appointed by the Council.
4. The Chairperson will chair all formal meetings of the Committee. In his/her absence, he/she will appoint one of the Vice Chairs to act on his/her behalf. The Chairperson, or one of his/her designated representatives may also convene and chair informal consultations of the Committee.
5. The Secretariat of the United Nations will provide the Committee with secretariat support.
6. The Committee has been established to undertake the tasks assigned to it by Security Council resolution 1737 (2006), as specified in particular in paragraph 18.
Meetings of the Committee
7. Meetings of the Committee, both formal and informal, will be convened at any time the Chairperson deems necessary, or at the request of a Member of the Committee. Members will be given two working days notice of the meeting, although shorter notice may be given in urgent situations.
8. The meetings of the Committee will be closed, unless the Committee decides otherwise. Based on a decision of the Committee by consensus, the Committee may invite other UN Member States, members of the Secretariat, relevant regional and international organizations or agencies, to participate in the meetings of the Committee for the purpose of providing information or explanations relating to any violations or alleged violations of the measures imposed by resolution 1737 (2006), or to address the Committee, on an ad hoc basis, if deemed necessary to the progress of its work. The Committee will consider requests from Member States to send representatives to meet with the Committee for more in-depth discussion of relevant issues.
9. Meetings of the Committee, both formal and informal, will be facilitated by interpretations in the six official languages of the Security Council of the United Nations, except in urgent circumstances where all members consent to meet without such support.
10. Documents circulated in the Committee for eventual formal decision will be translated into all official languages of the Security Council, subject to the following conditions: (a) documents concerning technical matters as described in paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of resolution 1737 (2006) will be translated before the Committee commences its discussion on such documents; (b) documents of a non-deliberative, procedural nature will not be translated; and (c) all other documents necessary for the implementation of the resolution will be translated into all official languages if and when one delegation so requests without prejudice to the decision-making procedure outlined in paragraph 12 hereafter.
11. The Committee shall make decisions by consensus of its members.
12. Where the Committee agrees, decisions may be made by a written procedure. In such cases the Chairperson will circulate to all Members of the Committee the proposed decision of the Committee and will request members of the Committee to indicate, in written form, any objection they may have to the proposed decision within 5 working days or in urgent situations, such shorter period as the Chairperson shall determine but no less than 2 working days. If no objection is received within the stated period, the decision will be considered adopted. Otherwise, the Committee may convene a meeting to revisit the issue at the request of the Chairperson or any Member of the Committee. Objections received after the defined period will not be considered.
Implementation reports, information requested pursuant to subparagraphs 18 (a) and (b), alleged violations, additions to and deletions from the lists of items, materials, equipment, goods, technology, individuals and entities
13. The Committee shall receive implementation reports, information requested pursuant to subparagraph 18 (a) of resolution 1737 (2006), information regarding alleged violations of measures, proposals for additions to and deletions from the lists of items, materials, equipment, goods, technology, individuals and entities, in writing from the Member States. The Committee shall receive information requested pursuant to subparagraph 18 (b) of resolution 1737 (2006) in writing from the IAEA. Regarding delisting requests of individuals and entities, petitioners seeking to submit such requests can do so either through the focal point process outlined in resolution 1730 (2006) or through their state of residence or citizenship, and these requests will be subject to the procedure as established in resolution 1730 (2006).
14. The information transmitted to the Committee should, to the extent possible, include:
i. concerning items, materials, equipment, goods and technology: technical description allowing to determine how they could or could not contribute to Iran's enrichment-related, reprocessing or heavy water-related activities, or to the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
ii. concerning individuals or entities: the appropriate identification (name, aliases, acronyms, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, address, passport or travel document number, nature of business or activity, leadership) and a narrative description of the information explaining how they are or are not or no longer engaged in, directly associated with or providing support for Iran's proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or for the development of nuclear weapon delivery systems or in which manner they are or are not or no longer acting on behalf of such individuals and entities or at their direction or are or are not or no longer owned or controlled by them.
15. Pursuant to paragraph 18, and consistent with inter alia paragraph 24 of resolution 1737 (2006) and paragraph 13 of resolution 1747 (2007), the Committee will keep the lists, including those in the annexes to both resolutions, under continual review.
16. Committee meeting agendas are approved by consensus at the beginning of a meeting. Without prejudice to the decision-making procedure outlined in paragraph 12 above, members of the Committee will be given up to five days before the Committee embarks on the discussion of an agenda item if any of them so requests.
17. The Committee, through the Secretariat, will inform the submitting State or IAEA of receipt of the information and will also inform the submitting State, after examination and when appropriate, of the Committee's position.
Notifications and requests for exemptions
18. The Committee shall receive notifications or requests for exemptions set out in paragraphs 9, 13 and 15 of resolution 1737 (2006) in writing from Member States. Notifications or requests shall be received no less than:
i. five working days prior to the authorization to make payments pursuant to subparagraph 13 (a); or
ii. ten working days prior to the authorization to make payments pursuant to paragraph 15.
19. The information transmitted to the Committee should, as appropriate, include:
i. concerning items or assistance as provided in paragraph 9: a copy of the contract for delivery including appropriate end-user guarantees and a formal commitment from the government of Iran not to use such items or assistance in proliferation sensitive nuclear activities or for development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;
ii. concerning expenses as provided in subparagraphs 13 (a) and (b): recipient (name and address), recipient's bank information (name and address of bank, account number), purpose of payment, amount of installment, number of installments, payment starting date, bank transfer or direct debit, interests, specific funds being unfrozen, other related information.
iii. concerning the use of funds as provided in subparagraphs 13 (c) and (d) and paragraph 15: the information listed under ii above, a copy of the judicial, administrative or arbitral lien, the judgement or the contract and a description of the information allowing to determine the relevant relation or absence of relation.
20. The Committee, through the Secretariat, will inform the submitting State of receipt of the notification or request and, after consideration and when appropriate, of the Committee's position.
Notifications of travel information
21. The Committee shall receive notifications in writing from Member States about individuals as described in paragraph 10 of resolution 1737 (2006) entering into or transiting through their territories. The Committee, through the Secretariat, will inform the submitting State of receipt of the notification.
22. The notifications should include the following information:
i. the name, nationality and passport number(s) of the person(s) undertaking the travel;
ii. the travel information, including dates and times of entry or transit, information regarding the itinerary and the mode of transport used.
The notifications should also, to the extent possible, include information about the purpose(s) of the travel, including, where applicable, such elements as those referred to in paragraph 11 of resolution 1737 (2006).
Communication and transparency
23. The information received by the Committee will be kept confidential if the provider so requests or if the Committee so decides. Elements of identification of listed individuals or entities, once available, as well as any significant modification to the lists will be promptly communicated to all Member States through a Note Verbale from the Chairperson. The updated list will be made promptly available on the web page of the Committee, and will be published in a press release unless the Committee decides otherwise.
24. The Chairperson may brief interested Member States and the press following formal meetings of the Committee, unless the Committee decides by consensus otherwise. In addition, the Chairperson may be authorized, after prior consultations with and approval of the Committee, to hold press conferences or issue press releases on any aspect of the Committee's work.