Press Conference by UN Security Council President Giadalla A. Ettalhi of Libya on January Programme of Work and Proposals to Sanction Iran (Excerpts)

UN Department of Public Information-News Media Division
January 2, 2008

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

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In response to numerous questions about Libya's role as Council President and a country with good relations with both the United States and Iran, he said the latter was not mentioned in the provisional programme of work, but fell under the heading "non-proliferation" in the category of subjects that could come before the Council. The situation was now under consideration by the Group of 5+1 (the five permanent Council members and Germany). If they presented any conclusions or agreement on how to proceed, a wider debate could take place.

He stressed that his country enjoyed good relations with Iran, whose Vice-President had recently visited the country, and with the United States, which were "back to normal". Given its experience in non-proliferation, Libya was in a better position to understand the positions of both and it would try to be constructive. It supported the right of States to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, in line with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), but opposed the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons. Having suffered under sanctions, however, Libya would be in a difficult position if such a course were to be proposed.

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