Weapon Program:
- Military
Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article 215 thereof,
Having regard to Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/434 of 25 February 2023 amending Decision 2014/512/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine,
Having regard to the joint proposal of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and of the European Commission,
(1) On 31 July 2014, the Council adopted Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia’s actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine.
(2) Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 gives effect to certain measures provided for in Council Decision 2014/512/CFSP.
(3) On 25 February 2023 the Council adopted Decision (CFSP) 2023/434, amending Decision 2014/512/CFSP.
(4) Decision (CFSP) 2023/434 expands the list of entities directly supporting Russia’s military and industrial complex in its war of aggression against Ukraine, on whom tighter export restrictions regarding dual-use goods and technology as well as goods and technology which might contribute to the technological enhancement of Russia’s defence and security sector are imposed by adding 96 new entities to that list. Taking into account the direct connection between Iranian manufacturers of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and the Russian military and industrial complex and the concrete risk that certain goods or technology are used for the manufacture of military systems that contribute to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, several Iranian entities have been added to the list of natural and legal persons, entities and bodies subject to restrictive measures set out in Annex IV to Decision 2014/512/CFSP.
Annex I
Annex IV to Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 is replaced by the following:
‘ANNEX IV List of natural or legal persons, entities or bodies, referred to in Articles 2(7), 2a(7) and 2b(1)
437. Design and Manufacturing of Aircraft Engines (DAMA)
438. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force
439. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Research and Self-Sufficiency Jihad Organization (IRGC SSJO)
440. Oje Parvaz Mado Nafar Company (Mado)
441. Paravar Pars Company
442. Qods Aviation Industries
443. Shahed Aviation Industries