Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- Missile
We had a very good Council today. There was full unity on all points we discussed, starting from the nuclear deal with Iran. The Foreign Ministers held a sort of follow-up meeting to the leaders' meeting we had in Sofia some 10 days ago, where all the Heads of State or Government of the 28 Member States strongly reconfirmed our intention to continue the full implementation of the nuclear deal with Iran, on our side, as long as Iran stays committed as it is the case so far. You might have noticed that just a few days ago the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] issued its 11th Report confirming that Iran is fully compliant.
We reconfirmed the strong political message of unity in this respect and we decided to continue the work in terms of coordinating the European Union’s measures and mechanisms we are putting in place to protect the economic investments of European businesses that have legitimately invested and engaged in Iran, and also the Member States’ initiatives that are under preparation or under consideration so that we create coordinated overview mechanism to accompany these measures. This, obviously, continues to take place also in the framework of our deliberations under the Joint Commission that we chaired last Friday in Vienna, that was positive and had a positive outcome. This is relevant also for the work of other international partners, not only China and Russia, but also other players in the world that have, in the years after the agreement, engaged with Iran in a legitimate manner.
I would like to stress one aspect that was particularly underlined during the meeting and I think it is important for us to make the case for it: we are mainly discussing about measures to preserve the agreement and our economic commitments with Iran, but for us this is not about an economic interest, this is about a security interest for the European Union - because in the absence of the nuclear deal with Iran, we believe the security of the region and of Europe would be at stake. This is why we are insisting so much on keeping this agreement in place because we see no possible ways to have better security conditions in the region if the agreement is no longer in place. On the contrary, we would see a worsening of security conditions for the region and for Europe. On the basis of the continuation of the agreement from all sides - excluding the United States obviously that has decided otherwise - we believe we can build on that and also address other issues that are of concern.
Q & A
Q. On Iran. Was there any concrete offer from national governments today of what they will do, of what their central banks will do, or when they will step in? Because so far we have not heard any. And what is the timeline? We heard from a senior Iranian official on Friday in Vienna saying "next week." We saw the statement from the Joint Commission saying "in the next few weeks." Is the timeline of the European Council to finally say "this is what we can do"?
The answer to your first question is yes. A number of Member States have put on the table today concrete ideas of things that they can contribute with, complementing the concrete steps that the European Union has started to put in place and that you know already well. And one of the outcomes of the meeting today is the decision to set up a sort of network of contact points of all the Member States that would help us in Brussels to coordinate not only the European Union measures, but also the European Union measures together with the measures that single Member States will put in place. You are perfectly right.
In the last couple of weeks, we have been working very hard on putting in place a package of European Union’s steps and mechanisms. This needs to be complemented by Member States’ decisions. Today, the purpose of the meeting was exactly to start building the basis for that - I say "start building", but some Member States have started already - and guaranteeing that there is a coordinated approach to this effort. So, in this respect, yes, the work was fruitful today. Some other Member States might get inspiration or concrete ideas out of the meeting today. And we will continue coordinating this work at experts' level and coming back to this at a political level whenever it is needed.
In terms of timeline: as soon as possible. We have always referred to the coming weeks, not because we believe that we have a lot of time ahead of us. We intend and we want to act as fast as possible, not only because we know that the pressure in Iran is significant, but also because we understand that European investors need certainty, so we have an interest in working fast. But it is quite clear that we are facing certain complexities. We have never thought this would have been easy and we are serious about that. Serious measures in a serious complex situation take time. The important thing is that things are moving, in the right direction, and in full unity with a lot of political determination to make them advance. So I am confident that this can happen. I am still talking about "next weeks."
Q. You talked about "full unity." There have been public statements, from the Polish side for example, that actually cast doubt on this unity because they show some understanding for the US position. Was this not raised during the meeting? Are you concerned that this unity may not hold?
Let me say that the unity is there also in us sharing some of the U.S. concerns. This is also something that unites us, because when it comes to some of the regional dynamics or the ballistic missile program of Iran, obviously we do share, all together, some of the concerns of the US administration. And the first concern we share is the one related to the possibility for Iran to develop a nuclear weapon - and this is exactly why we are determined to keep the agreement in place. The agreement on some of the concerns of US administration is shared, but we have a different answer on what is the best strategy to meet these concerns and find a positive answer to that. The unity that was expressed first by the EU leaders and now by the Foreign Ministers was clear on the fact that we believe that the best way to address our concerns is keeping the JCPOA in place, keeping its full implementation, because this represents the best way to avoid that Iran develops a nuclear weapon.
Q. Can the Blocking Statute protect companies against sanctions? And what is the human rights situation in Iran after the deal, who spoke with Iran?
The work we - the Commission precisely - have started to do, with a green light and a mandate from the Heads of State or Government of the 28 Member States is about amending the blocking statute that would provide, in this manner, a legal shield for the companies that have been and are legitimately investing in Iran, after the nuclear agreement was reached, and so this would obviously provide the legal framework for them.
The second part of the question was about human rights: We, indeed, have established a human rights dialogue with Iran that has been taking place in these years. It has proven to be sometimes difficult but productive, respectful and I believe that especially when we have issues of disagreement, as we do have with Iran, the correct way is to face them in an open manner, through dialogue and that can lead to some results. This has been the case in some cases. Let me also remind us all that when we are talking about the lifting of sanctions, we are talking about the nuclear-related sanctions, but there are a number of sanctions that are still in place from the European Union side, including some human rights-related sanctions. But we believe that engagement and dialogue is more productive than interrupting dialogue and going for confrontation. Normally it brings more results and we are committed to continue this way.