IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano Comments on IAEA's Reporting Requirements on Iran under the JCPOA (Excerpt)

March 7, 2016


Q: After this first report for the JCPOA is released, many international nuclear verification expert has made an analysis and comments saying IAEA, compared with past reports, is not giving enough details for the internaitonal community to follow the process and review ... How do you respond to the criticism that the IAEA, this time, did not provide enough information? [sic]


Amano: There is a clear misunderstanding. The misunderstanding is that the basis of reporting is different. In the previous reports the bases were the previous UN Security Council Resolutions and Board of Governors. But now they are terminated. They are gone. The bases of our report is the resolution of the United Nations Security Council 2231 and the Board of Governors resolution adopted on the 15th of December. These two resolutions and the other resolutions of the Security Council and Board are very different. And as the basis is different, the consequences are different. What we are doing with that? We are requested by the Resolution 2231 and the Board of Governors resolution on the 15th of December to monitor and verify the nuclear related commitments under JCPOA and report to the Board of Governors and in parallel the Security Council. So I will continue to report based on these resolutions factually and objectively and including the details which the agency considers necessary.