Israel's Statement on the Occasion of the 62nd General Conference of the IAEA (Excerpts)

September 18, 2018

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Madame President,

At the outset, allow me to congratulate you on chairing this distinguished forum, and presiding over this session of the IAEA General Conference. Israel looks forward to working with all delegates, and all Member States, in this coming year.

Madame President,

Today, more than ever, nuclear security and safety must be at the forefront of global concern. Threats to nuclear security and safety know no boundaries. Israel strongly encourages regional cooperation in this context. 

Israel has repeatedly expressed its willingness to collaborate with all of its neighbors on safety and security issues. Unfortunately, however, the State of Israel is not even recognized by several states in the Middle East. Specifically and regrettably, the Islamic Republic of Iran openly and explicitly calls for Israel's destruction. 

Madame President,

Iran and Syria pose significant proliferation threats to the region and the world. Syria built an undeclared, secretive military nuclear reactor at Dair Alzour. Such concealment of illicit activities is a clear violation of the NPT and Syria's safeguards obligations. The IAEA and the international community should have taken action ten years ago, and must take action now.

Madame President,

We heard from the Iranian delegation yesterday about the importance of keeping the JCPoA alive. We must all remember, however, that the JCPoA was conceived because of repeated Iranian violations of its international obligations under the NPT. There is no other country in the world with a JCPoA. Iran is the only country with such an agreement, specifically because of these violations, and because it threatens regional peace and security..

For years, even prior to the JCPoA, Israel has presented Iran's long term vision to acquire military nuclear capabilities. Israel has repeatedly underlined the importance of confronting Iran with its lies and concealment efforts. The IAEA must conduct a robust verification of Iran's clandestine activities. 

The covert Iranian nuclear weapons program is a documented fact. The new information recently revealed by Israel conclusively proves that Iranian activities were part of a well-orchestrated plan to continue the development of nuclear weapons.

The IAEA Board of Governors has unfortunately closed, within the context of the JCPoA, the agenda item on the so-called "Iranian Possible Military Dimensions". However, Iran lied to the Agency, and to the world. These were not "possible" military dimensions, but concrete ones.

Madame President,

In light of these destabilizing elements, we cannot ignore the repeated and explicit threats made by Iran and its proxies to attack Israel's nuclear sites. These outrageous threats require Israel to take action and continue to protect and defend its nuclear facilities. These facilities are constantly upgraded and reinforced, in line with IAEA safety guidelines, in order to withstand any attack.
