Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers:
Thank you, Mr. Chairman,
The United States would like to offer our appreciation to the Director General and his staff for the February 20 report on the “Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran.” We commend the objective, expert, and professional manner in which the Agency continues to implement Iran’s safeguards agreement and other undertakings. This is reflected in the Director General’s latest report and in the Agency’s rigorous efforts to verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program. In this regard, we welcome the Agency’s continued monitoring of the nuclear-related understandings contained in the Joint Plan of Action between the P5+1 and Iran.
In his report, the Director General confirmed that Iran has implemented the six practical measures pursuant to the November 11 “Joint Statement on a Framework for Cooperation” between the IAEA and Iran. We note that the IAEA has requested clarification of information related to these issues, and urge Iran to cooperate fully with the Agency to that end. Furthermore, we welcome the announcement by the IAEA and Iran of the next phase of practical measures under the Framework.
While Iran has committed to address one aspect of the possible military dimensions (PMD) of its nuclear program under the Framework, it remains critical for Iran to address substantively all of the IAEA’s and the international community’s outstanding concerns regarding its past and present activities, particularly those related to PMD. As a step in this direction, we expect Iran to fulfill its commitment under the Framework by providing all information related to its work on Exploding Bridge Wire detonators the Agency needs to begin addressing the international community’s concerns about Iran’s program. We note, however, this is but one of multiple interconnected issues related to PMD that Iran must address. And as we have previously stated, and would like to underscore, a satisfactory resolution of PMD issues will be critical to any long-term comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.
Mr. Chairman,
In conjunction with its ongoing verification efforts under Iran’s safeguards agreement, the Agency is playing the essential role of verifying the Joint Plan of Action’s nuclear-related understandings. The United States was pleased to join a number of other Member States in committing extra-budgetary funding to support the Agency in carrying out this role. We encourage the Secretariat to keep the Board informed of any further funding needs, and we encourage all Member States in a position to do so to consider offering similar support.
In his report, the Director General confirms that Iran is continuing to fulfill its commitments pursuant to the Joint Plan of Action, thereby beginning to address some of our most urgent concerns regarding its nuclear program. For example, Iran has halted uranium enrichment activities above 5-percent; it is taking steps to eliminate its stockpile of near-20 percent low enriched uranium hexafluoride; has not installed any new components at the IR-40 reactor; and has not manufactured or tested additional IR-40 fuel since January 20. We look forward to further updates from the IAEA on the status of Iran’s fulfillment of the nuclear-related understandings in the Joint Plan of Action.
The Joint Plan of Action has given us time and space to pursue a diplomatic resolution with Iran, and, on February 18 here in Vienna, the P5+1, the EU, and Iran began talks on achieving a long-term comprehensive solution. This round of talks was productive and helped clarify the framework for deliberations going forward, including a timetable for meetings in the weeks and months ahead. As evidence of the immediacy and importance the P5+1, the EU, and Iran place on this effort, technical experts are meeting this week to prepare for the next round of Political Director-level talks which are scheduled for March 17 here in Vienna. We know these negotiations will be difficult and complex, but we remain committed to our best efforts to achieve a long-term comprehensive solution which addresses the international community’s concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program and provides the necessary long-term confidence that Iran will not acquire a nuclear weapon.
As the Director General notes in his report, “The measures implemented by Iran and the further commitments it has undertaken represent a positive step forward, but much remains to be done to resolve all outstanding issues.” We urge Iran to address all of these issues substantively and without delay. Only with Iran’s complete and full cooperation will the IAEA be able to verify the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, which remains central to the efforts to achieve a long-term comprehensive solution.
With these comments, my delegation takes note of the Director General’s report as contained in document GOV/2014/10 and requests that this report be made public. We also request that the Director General’s January 20 report prepared for the special meeting of this Board contained in GOV/2014/INF/1 be made public as well. We look forward to the Director General’s continued reporting on these matters.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.