Report by the Joint Commission to the Security Council (S/2016/1113)

December 27, 2016

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Report of the Joint Commission to the United Nations Security Council on the Status of the Procurement Working Group’s Decisions and on Any Implementation Issues

  1. This is the second report of the Joint Commission, established by the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to the United Nations Security Council on the status of the Procurement Working Group’s decisions and on any implementation issues. It provides an overview of the work undertaken by the Procurement Working Group from 7 July to 22 December 2016.
  2. During the reporting period, the Procurement Working Group — comprising the States that are participants in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, with a designated representative of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy serving as Coordinator — held six meetings. Representatives of the International Atomic Energy Agency participated as observers in one of the meetings. The Procurement Working Group reviewed five proposals from two States. Three of the proposals were recommended for approval. The rest are currently under review.

