Philippe Kridelka, Security Council Facilitator for the Implementation of Resolution 2231 (2015)
December 17, 2020
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- The note by the President of the Security Council of 16 January 2016 (S/2016/44) set forth practical arrangements and procedures for the Council for carrying out tasks related to the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015), particularly with respect to the provisions specified in paragraphs 2 to 7 of annex B to that resolution.
- According to the note, the Security Council should select, on an annual basis, one member to serve as its Facilitator for the functions specified therein. Pursuant to paragraph 3 of the note, and after consultations among the members of the Council, on 24 September 2020, I was appointed as Facilitator for the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015) for the period ending 31 December 2020.