Not “business as usual”: The Chinese military’s visit to Iran

May 16, 2022

Weapon Program: 

  • Military


Tuvia Gering and Jason M. Brodsky


Middle East Institute

Related Country: 

  • China

Amid stalled nuclear talks with the P5+1, a senior Chinese military delegation, headed by Chinese State Councilor and Minister of National Defense Gen. Wei Fenghe, landed in Iran for a visit in late April. The readouts from Tehran were rather dull, with the usual platitudes about the close relations between Beijing and Tehran. But there is more to this visit than meets the eye. While a new “axis” may not necessarily be forming, there are troubling trendlines, particularly concerning arms transfers; drone, dual-use, and missile technologies; and cyber and intelligence capabilities, that Western policymakers need to counter. In the end, these may undermine China’s own regional interests as well.


Read the full ananlysis at the Middle East Institute.