Library Documents on Iran's Nuclear Program
February 3, 2023
We, the governments of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, take note of the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that Iran has implemented a substantial change in the configuration of some of its centrifuges without informing the Agency in advance. These centrifuges produce high-enriched uranium up to 60...
February 1, 2023
1. This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the United Nations Security Council (Security Council), is on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (Iran’s) implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in relation to its enrichment-related activities. It...
December 12, 2022
Recalling the November 2016 and February 2019 Council conclusions, the European Union reconfirms its resolute commitment to human rights in its policy towards Iran. The European Union expresses its support for the fundamental aspiration of the people of Iran for a future where their universal human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected,...
December 12, 2022
I. Introduction1. The note by the President of the Security Council of 16 January 2016 (S/2016/44) sets forth the practical arrangements and procedures for the Council in carrying out tasks related to the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015), particularly with respect to the provisions specified in paragraphs 2 to 7 of annex B to that...
November 29, 2022
1. This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the United Nations Security Council (Security Council), is on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (Iran’s) implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in relation to its enrichment-related activities. It...
November 22, 2022
1. This report of the Director General to the Board of Governors and, in parallel, to the United Nations Security Council (Security Council), is on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s (Iran’s) implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in relation to its enrichment-related activities. It...
November 18, 2022
The text of the following statement was released by the spokespeople for the Foreign Ministries of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States concerning the Resolution on Iran adopted by the IAEA Board of Governors.Begin Text:
November 17, 2022
The Board of Governors,
(a) Commending the continued professional and impartial efforts of the IAEA Director General and the Secretariat to implement Iran’s NPT Safeguards Agreement,
(b) Emphasizing the essential and independent role of the IAEA in verifying Iran’s compliance with its NPT-required safeguards obligations,
November 17, 2022
Tehran, IRNA – Permanent representative of Iran to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Board of Governors, said that objectives of the proposers of this anti-Iranian resolution will not be reached, but its ratification can affect Iran's constructive cooperation with IAEA negatively.Mohsen Naziri-Asl said on Thursday, "Today, the IAEA...
November 16, 2022
[...]Mr Chairperson,My report on Verification and monitoring in the Islamic Republic of Iran in light of United Nations Security Council resolution 2231 covers relevant activities of the Agency in the past few months. Since 23 February 2021, Iran has not been implementing its nuclear-related commitments under JCPOA, including its commitments under...