Library Documents on Iran's Nuclear Program

February 12, 1998
It is a pleasure to appear before this Committee, especially as a private citizen. I want to review briefly the security challenges our country faces and to highlight a few Defense and Intelligence programs that I believe deserve the Committee's support.
February 12, 1998
Mr. Chairman, Members of the Committee, it is an honor to be invited to testify before you again this year.
January 28, 1998
Mr. Chairman, thank you for the opportunity to address the Committee again this year on the worldwide threats to our national security. I have submitted a detailed Statement for the Record and would like to summarize its key points in my opening remarks.
January 28, 1998
Chairman Shelby, Senator Kerrey, Members of the Committee. I appreciate this opportunity to present the views of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR) on current and projected threats to our national interests. Happily--and thanks to the effectiveness of American diplomacy, military readiness, and intelligence...
January 28, 1998
Last year marked the 50th annniversary of the enactment of the National Security Act, the legislation that created the Central Intelligence Agency and established the national defense and intelligence structure for the Cold War era. - This year, we approach an equally significant anniversary November 1999 will mark the tenth anniversary of the...
January 28, 1998
SEN. SHELBY: The committee will come to order. Last year marks the 50th anniversary of the enactment of the national security act, the legislation that created the Central Intelligence Agency and established the national defense and intelligence structure for the Cold War era.
January 28, 1998
" There are times when America and America alone can and should make the difference for peace." President Clinton " Everywhere ... they look to us as the country that provides for their security and their safety and their freedom." Secretary of Defense Cohen Mr. Chairman, I am again pleased to have the opportunity to provide the Defense...
January 7, 1998
MR. JAFARZADEH: Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our press conference today.
January 1, 1998
Excerpts . . . Scope Note The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) submitted this report in response to a Congressionally directed action in Section 721 of the FY 1997 Intelligence Authorization Act. The act requires that: "(a) Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, and every 6 months thereafter, the Director of...
September 22, 1997
Introduction: The Collapse of Bi-Polar Approach Our world is a constellation of interdependent human units. As a result of the ever-expanding international communications, our interdependence has been increasing on a steady basis; a reiteration of the concept of "global village". These human units or countries have become closely interconnected...
