Publication Type:
- International Enforcement Actions
Italian police seized 7 tons of RDX (T4) explosive found on board a cargo ship in the southern Italian port of Gioia Tauro on August 28, 2010. The explosives were found aboard the vessel M/S Finland, which flies a Liberian flag, and is owned by a Swiss-Italian shipping company. The shipment appears to have originated in Iran and, according to the cargo's bill of lading, was headed to Syria. Rahkaran Gham Co. of Tehran was listed as the shipper and Saleh Algaber Trading Co. of Damascus was named as the consignee. The shipment violates U.N. Security Council Resolution 1747, which bars Iran from exporting conventional arms.
[1] "Panel of Experts Established Pursuant to Resolution 1929 (2010) - Final Report," United Nations Report, May 7, 2011.
[2] "Italian Police Seize Huge Amount of Explosives Headed for Syria," ABC News, September 22, 2010.