Iran's Centrifuges: Models and Status

December 18, 2024

Publication Type: 

  • Weapon Program Background Report

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Iran possesses thousands of gas centrifuges that are the mainstay of its nuclear program. Gas centrifuges spin uranium hexafluoride gas (UF6) to separate uranium isotopes suitable for nuclear fuel, a process known as uranium enrichment.[1] The number and capacity of these machines determine Iran’s "breakout" time: how long it would take Iran—if it decided to do so—to produce the fuel for a small nuclear arsenal. The machines are also key to Iran's ability to "sneakout" by producing nuclear weapon fuel at secret sites. 

In recent years, Iran has developed and deployed centrifuge models that can enrich greater amounts of uranium with fewer machines relative to its original IR-1 design. Iran’s increasing mastery of centrifuge design and manufacturing raises the risk of a "sneakout," and it reflects an acquisition of knowledge that cannot be reversed. 

The table below sets out the capacity and primary materials of each of Iran’s currently-deployed centrifuge models, as well as the number of each model known from publicly-available IAEA reports[2] to be installed and/or enriching uranium at Iran’s three declared enrichment sites: the Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) and Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP) at Natanz and the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP) at Fordow. It is not an inventory of all centrifuges in Iran. Iran has not permitted the IAEA to monitor or verify centrifuge production since early 2021. Consequently, according to a June 2024 joint statement by France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, “The IAEA does not know how many centrifuges Iran has and where they are located.”

In addition to the models listed in the table, Iran has developed several other centrifuge designs that are not currently installed at any of its declared sites, including the IR-2, IR-3, IR-6m, IR-6sm, IR-6smo, IR-8s, IR-s, and IR-9s.

The information in the table about the number of centrifuges installed or operating is based on IAEA reports. The information on centrifuge capacity and rotor material is based on a November 2021 Iran Watch report, Beyond the IR-1: Iran’s Advanced Centrifuges and their Lasting Implications, which contains analysis of each centrifuge model. 












Aluminum + maraging steel


Late 1990s

Total: 7260

at FEP:[12] 6204
at PFEP: 12
at FFEP: 1044

Total: 7260

at FEP:[12] 6204
at PFEP: 12
at FFEP: 1044



Maraging steel + carbon fiber




Total: 6594

at FEP:[13] 6438
at PFEP: 156
at FFEP: 0

Total: 2713

at FEP:[13] 2610
at PFEP: 103
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber




Total: 2454

at FEP:[13] 2088
at PFEP: 366
at FFEP: 0

Total: 2450

at FEP:[13] 2088
at PFEP:
at FFEP: 0




Carbon fiber[10]





Total: 30

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 30
at FFEP: 0

Total: 28

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 28
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber[11]


Total: 2695

at FEP:[13] 522
at PFEP:
at FFEP:[14] 1727

Total: 1298

at FEP:[13] 522
at PFEP:
at FFEP:[14] 335



Carbon fiber[10]


Total: 21

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 21
at FFEP: 0

Total: 20

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 20
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber[10]


Total: 1

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 1
at FFEP: 0

Total: 0

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 0
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber[10]


Total: 1

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 1
at FFEP: 0

Total: 0

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 0
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber[10]


Total: 1

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 1
at FFEP: 0

Total: 0

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 0
at FFEP: 0



Carbon fiber[10]


Total: 1

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 1
at FFEP: 0

Total: 0

at FEP: 0
at PFEP: 0
at FFEP: 0



[1] Natural uranium contains about 0.7 percent of the fissionable isotope U-235. Uranium is considered enriched when the concentration of U-235 is increased. Uranium enriched up to 5 percent concentration of U-235 is suitable for nuclear reactors. Weapons-grade uranium is usually defined as 90 percent U-235.

[2] As of November 19, 2024.

[3] The capacity of a centrifuge is measured in “separative work units” (SWU) per year. SWU reflect the effort needed to separate the two uranium isotopes (U-235 and U-238) in the enrichment process. A centrifuge with a higher SWU per year can enrich greater quantities of uranium to higher levels in shorter periods of time than a less efficient centrifuge.

[4] The rotor of a centrifuge is what spins the uranium hexafluoride (UF6) gas to separate uranium isotopes. Centrifuges use “bellows” between rotors to form a rotor assembly that allows for flexibility when spinning at higher speeds. The bellows and the rotors themselves must be made with strong, lightweight material. Carbon fiber is an ideal material for this purpose, but aluminum and specialty steels such as maraging steel can also be used. 

[5] Fed with UF6; excludes mechanical testing.

[6] Accumulating enriched uranium

[7] Calculated from output data contained in IAEA reports.

[8] Based on the capacity of the Pakistani P2 centrifuge, the base model for the IR-2m and IR-4.

[9] The low end of the range is based on estimates contained in "A Comprehensive Survey of Iran's Advanced Centrifuges" by David Albright, Sarah Burkhard, and Spencer Faragasso, published by The Institute for Science and International Security on December 2, 2021 and available at the high end of the range consists of nominal claims made by Iranian officials or Iranian media (possibly referring to kg UF6 SWU/yr, which has a value 1.47 times higher than the more standard kg U SWU/yr).

[10] Due to technological progression, centrifuges developed after the IR-4 are assumed to have their rotor assembly made entirely from carbon fiber even when not explicitly confirmed as such. 

[11] Although Iran originally claimed the IR-6 rotor assembly to be made entirely of carbon fiber, the IAEA verified in January 2021 that Iran had manufactured metal bellows for IR-6 centrigues, which were subsequently displayed in a video released by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). See: GOV/2021/10 Para. 38 and "The IR-6 Centrifuge Needs Further Development" by David Albright and Sarah Burkhard, published by The Institute for Science and International Security on July 14, 2022.

[12] The figures for IR-1 centrifuges are arrived at by adding the number of additional machines installed (120) as reported in GOV/2023/8 Para. 18 to the total planned for 36 cascades in the initial Iranian DIQ (6084) as reported in GOV/INF/2021/27 Para. 3.

[13] The IR-2m and IR-4 figures for FEP are an estimate based on an average of 174 machines per cascade, obtained by dividing the total number of machines planned in the Iranian DIQ reported in GOV/INF/2021/27 Para. 3 (1044) by the number of planned cascades (6). That average (174) is multiplied by the number of cascades reported in the most recent Verification and Monitoring report to be installed and/or in production mode. Likewise, the initial Iranian DIQ specified 174 IR-6 machines per cascade. Although Iran subsequently increased the number of planned IR-2m, IR-4, and IR-6 cascades in its updated DIQ as reported in GOV/INF/2022/17 Para. 7, GOV/INF/2022/23 Para. 3, GOV/INF/2022/24 Para. 2, and GOV/2023/8 Para. 18, there is no indication that it altered the number of centrifuges contained in each cascade. 

[14] In November 2022 (as reported in GOV/INF/2022/24), Iran announced its intention to install 14 new cascades of IR-6 centrifuges in addition to the two interconnected cascades of IR-6 centrifuges that were already installed. Publicly available IAEA reports do not specify the number of centrifuges in each of these new cascades. The figure in this table reflects an assumption of 174 machines per new cascade. That assumption is informed by Iran's usage of 174 machines in each of the existing cascades of IR-1 centrifuges at FFEP, which six of the new cascades of IR-6 centrifuges are ultimately intended to replace. It also is meant to reflect a likely maximum number of centrifuges, as Iran has not often installed cascades exceeding 174 machines.