Statement by U.S. Permanent Representative Ambassador Gregory L. Schulte: Failing the Test of Full Disclosure
November 15, 2007
Today's report by the Director General shows that Iran's cooperation with the IAEA remains selective and incomplete. Iran has not met the world's expectation of full disclosure.
Under international pressure, Iran has finally shed more light on the history of its program. However, Iran still refuses to fully disclose the past and present as the IAEA expects and to suspend fully its proliferation-sensitive activities as the Security Council requires.
We appreciate the efforts of the Director General and the Secretariat. However, despite their best efforts, the Director General reports that Iran's cooperation "remains reactive rather than proactive." Iran refused to implement the Additional Protocol and to provide early information on new nuclear facilities. The Board of Governors will be distressed to learn that "the Agency's knowledge of Iran's current nuclear program is diminishing."
Diplomacy remains our preferred course. The Security Council process must continue in order to reinforce diplomacy and encourage Iran to comply with its international obligations.
Even as the Security Council moves towards a third sanctions resolution, the door remains open to suspension of sanctions for suspension of enrichment, and a negotiated settlement that would give Iran access to nuclear energy while assuring the world of its peaceful intent.