Changgwang Sinyong Corporation

Also Known As: 

Korea Mining Development Trading Bureau (KOMID)
North Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation
Changgwang Shinyong Corporation
Ch'anggwang Shinyong
Ch'anggwang Shinyong Corporation
Changgwang Credit
Chang Kwang
Chang Gwang
Changwang Group
Changgwang Credit Corporation
Korea Changgwang Trading Company
North Korean Mining Development Trading Corporation
Korean Mining Development Trading Corporation
Korea Mining Development Trading Corporation
External Technology General Corporation
Korean Mining and Industrial Development Corporation
Korea Mining Development Corporation
Korea Mining and Development Corporation
Changgwang Sinyong Corp
Ch'anggwang Trading Company
DPRKN Mining Development Trading Cooperation

Weapon Program: 

  • Missile

Exporting Country: 

North Korea


- Botonggang District, Pyongyang
- Central District, Pyongyang, North Korea
- Central District, Pyongyang, DPRK


42888; 45882

Parent company of North Korea's Hesong Trading Corporation and Tosong Technology Trading Corporation; designated by the U.N. Security Council on April 24, 2009 pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006), requiring (with some exceptions) states to freeze immediately funds, financial assets and economic resources on their territories that are owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the entity, and to ensure that funds, financial assets and economic resources are prevented from being made available by their nationals or by persons or entities within their territories, to or for the benefit of the entity; described by the U.N. Security Council as the "primary arms dealer and main exporter of goods and equipment related to ballistic missiles and conventional weapons;" listed by the European Union on May 13, 2009, pursuant to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1718 (2006), as an entity whose funds and economic resources, and those it owns, holds or controls, must be frozen by E.U. member states; sanctioned (with all subunits and successors) by the United States effective February 2, 2009, together with North Korea's Moksong Trading Corporation and Sino-Ki, pursuant to Executive Order 12938, for engaging in proliferation activities; listed by the Japanese government in 2009 as an entity of concern for proliferation relating to missiles and biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons; sanctioned by the Japanese government on September 19, 2006 under Japan's Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, targeting remittances and transfers of financial assets to North Korea; sanctioned by the Australian government on September 19, 2006 under its Banking (Reserve Exchange) Regulations 1959, prohibiting the transfer of funds or payments to, by the order of, or on behalf of a sanctioned entity without the prior approval of the Reserve Bank of Australia; sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State on July 25, 2003 - for transferring Control Regime Category 1 "Scud" missiles to Yemen in December 2002; sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State on March 24, 2003 for engaging in missile technology proliferation activities with Pakistan's Khan Research Laboratories (KRL).

Reportedly, according to U.S. officials, sold three to six Nodong missiles to KRL, reportedly fully assembled and ready to fly; sanctioned by the United States in August 2002 for engaging in missile proliferation activities - reportedly for selling Scud missile components to Yemen; Kazakh-based branch of Changgwang reportedly, according to a June 2000 report by the National Security Agency, collaborated with Russia in sending gyroscopes for Scud B missiles to Yemen; reportedly bought the missile components in Kazakhstan from Russia and then resold them to Yemen; reportedly provided Iran with 12 missile engines in November 1999; reportedly, according to U.S. intelligence officials, the missile engines provided to Iran were the same as those used in the Nodong medium-range missile; Iran will reportedly use the engines in its Shahab medium-range missile.

Identified as the technology supplier and the prime technical mediator for the North Korean side during negotiations in 1999 and 2000 regarding supplying Iraq with technology for surface-to-surface missiles with a range of 1300 km, land-to-sea missiles with a range of 300 km, and other systems including air defense, jamming, radar, and submarines; sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State in April 1998 for engaging in missile technology proliferation activities with KRL; reportedly sold a Nodong missile to KRL in 1997, which was reconfigured and test-fired by Pakistan in May 1998 as the "Ghauri" (Hatf-5); sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State under the name Changgwang Credit Corporation in March and June 1992 for missile proliferation activities; reportedly described by a U.S. government official as the "main marketing entity for the North Korean military."

Maintains a partnership with Macao-based Zokwang Trading, which deals in weaponry, including missile and rocket engines and parts, as well as nuclear power plant components, and which, according to reported comments by South Korean officials, raises funds through selling gold and other commodities and has worked to obtain parts for North Korean weapons programs; previously known as the External Technology General Corporation (ETGC).

Date Entered: 

January 26, 2004

Date Last Modified: 

June 30, 2009