Also Known As:
Experimental Design Bureau Gydropress; OKB Gydropress; OKB Gidropress; Experimental Design Bureau Gidropress
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Exporting Country:
21 Ordzhonikidze Street, Podolsk 142103, Moscow Region
95-137-91-08; 967-54-25-16
967-54-27-33; 967-54-25-16
Overseen by the Department of Nuclear Reactors and Experimental Facility Development of the Ministry of Atomic Energy (Minatom); designs reactor and heat exchange equipment for nuclear power plants with VVER-type reactors; develops steam generators for fast sodium-cooled reactors; development of drum separators for RBMK-type nuclear reactor plants; development of automated systems for non-destructive control of nuclear fuel rods; develops dosimeters and radiation protection equipment; development of designs of reactors for nuclear power plants in China, Iran, and India; equipped with thermal physics testing rigs, rigs to test structural components and equipment in nuclear reactors, seismic test rigs, and rigs to test stresses and strains in nuclear plants; research on hydrodynamics and thermal physics, and water chemistry of the primary and secondary circuits in nuclear reactors; established January 1946.
Date Entered:
January 26, 2004
Date Last Modified:
March 22, 2004