Polyus Research Institute

Also Known As: 

NPO Polyus
Polyus Research and Development Institute
NII Polyus
Polyus Scientific Production Association
Polyus Science and Production Association
Polyus Scientific Research Institute

Weapon Program: 

  • Missile

Exporting Country: 



Ulitsa Vvedenskogo, 3, 117342, Moscow
3 Ulitsa Vvedenskogo, Moscow, 117342
Russia, 117342, Moscow, ul. Vvedenskogo, 3, bldg. 1


(7 095) 333-03-89, (495) 333-02-00, (903) 512-96-16


(495) 333-02-56, (7-095) 200-22-16, 7 495 333 0003

A Russian research institute that has reportedly sold missile-usable technology to Iran; between February 1999 and November 2001, sanctioned by the U.S. Department of the Treasury for materially contributing, or attempting to contribute, to a foreign country's effort to acquire, produce and/or deliver weapons of mass destruction; between July 1998 and November 2000, sanctioned by the U.S. Department of State for engaging in proliferation activities related to Iran's missile programs; between July 1998 and December 2001, appeared on the U.S. Entity List of end users subject to heightened export license requirements due to involvement in proliferation activities or other activities of national security concern; reportedly sold laser gyroscopes and test equipment to Iran in the mid-1990s through its subsidiary Navigator Scientific-Technical Center.

Develops laser technology for military and civilian applications, including precision-guided weapons.

Part of the Shvabe holding company, which is controlled by state-owned Rostec corporation; established in 1962 as the Specialized Institute of Quantum Electronics.

Enforcement Actions: 

Date Entered: 

January 26, 2004

Date Last Modified: 

September 9, 2014