Also Known As:
Scientific Research and Design Surveying Institute Selenergoproekt
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
Exporting Country:
15 Alleya Pervoi Mayovki, Moscow 111395
374-6240; 374-6890
Design of safety systems for the Kudankulam nuclear power project in India, the Bushehr reactor project in Iran and for Chinese nuclear power plants; design of electric networks and substations (220kV class and less), electric power supply remote control systems, gas turbine and diesel power plants with power units up to 60 megawatts, and steam gas turbine power plants with power units up to 100 megawatts.
Comprised of the Scientific Investigating Center (SIC), the Electric Networks Design Center (ENDC), and the Power Plants Design Center (PPDC); established 1951 and in reorganized in 1994 as a Joint Stock Company.