Also Known As: 

Equipment Supplier for Nuclear Industries Corporation
Esinco Company
Equipment Supply of Nuclear Industries Co

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear


- No1, 37th Avenue, Asadabadi Street, Tehran, Iran
- No 1, 37th Avenue, Asadabadi Street, Tehran, P.O. Box 14395-1458 Iran
- No 1, 37th Avenue, Yusofabad (Asadabadi) Street, Tehran, Iran


+98 21 88214616, +98 21 88214641-2


+98 2188612987

Entity Web Site:

Listed by the European Union on July 26, 2010 as an entity that procures industrial goods for nuclear program activities engaged in by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Novin Energy, and Kalaye Electric Company; with some exceptions, European Union member states must freeze all funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by the listed entity, and prevent funds or economic resources from being made available to it; sanctioned (with a pursuant asset freeze) by the Japanese government in 2010 as an entity that could contribute to Iran's nuclear activities; listed by the British government in 2010 as an entity of potential concern for WMD-related procurement.

A subsidiary of Surena Company, a general contractor for Iran's nuclear industry; involved in procurement for the construction of the IR-360 nuclear power plant in Darkhovein, Khuzestan, Iran; Haleh Bakhtiar serves as the company's director; supplies equipment for nuclear power plants; founded in 2006.

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

November 1, 2010

Date Last Modified: 

November 1, 2010