Shakad Sanat Asmari

Also Known As: 

Chekad Sanat Asmari Company
Chakad Sanat Asmari Co.
Sanat Asmari Company
شکاد صنعت آسماری
چکاد صنعت آسماری
شرکت چکاد صنعت آسماری


Weapon Program: 

  • Military


1st Floor, No 841, Fadaiyan Islam St., Afshar Nou Alley, Tehran Station Quarter, Central Sector, District 18, Tehran, Tehran Province 1851617167, Iran
Fourth Floor, No. 1, Mojdeh (Moghaddasi) Street, Niavaran Street, Tehran, Iran


021 88824679
021 88836673
021 26850648
021 26850608
021 88824704


Entity Web Site:

Shakad Sanat Asmari Logo

An Iran-based company; according to the European Union, supports Iran's unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program.

Develops and manufactures components for Shahed-series UAVs, according to the European Union; has specialized in the production of goods made from composite materials, including pressure tanks and aircraft components; has held a patent for a composite liquid storage tank with self-sealing walls.

Reportedly has been a subsidiary of Fergas LPG Distribution Co. and FEG Holding; has reportedly cooperated on the manufacture of composite tanks with Fergas International Company.

Company officials have included Ehsan Rahat Varnosfadrani (managing director), who has collaborated on UAV-related research with individuals affiliated with Islamic Azad UniversitySharif University of Technology, and Amirkabir University of Technology.

Considered by the European Union to be the same entity as Chekad Sanat Faraz Asia; has shared an address with Arvand Sanat Sepehr Sharif Company, which also specializes in the production of composite goods and where Ehsan Rahat Varnosfadrani is also a company official.

Established in 2016; dissolved in 2021.


Listed by the European Union on December 11, 2023, as an entity supporting or involved in Iran’s unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) program; with some exceptions, EU member states must freeze assets owned or controlled by the entity, directly or indirectly, and prevent assets from being made available to it.

Sanctioned on February 23, 2024, by the government of Australia, restricting business and financial transactions with the entity and freezing its assets in Australia.

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

June 25, 2024

Date Last Modified: 

June 25, 2024