Statement by Ambassador Gharibabadi on the JCPOA in the IAEA BoG

June 9, 2021

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  • Nuclear

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Madam Chair,

Director General,

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Since this is the first time that I am taking the floor in this session of the Board, let me begin with thanking you, Madam Chair, the Director General and all those in the Secretariat whose efforts made it possible for us to hold this meeting in a hybrid format.

Madam Chair,

Three years have passed since the unwarranted unilateral decision of the United States to withdraw from the JCPOA, violate United States’ commitments therein, irresponsibly undermine UNSCR 2231 and abhorrently impose the “maximum pressure” policy to directly and adversely affect the normalization of trade and economic relations with Iran. Former U.S president carelessly sacrificed well-established principle of international law, namely Pacta Sunt Servanda, on the altar of his administration’s self-righteousness. The extraterritorial dimensions of the US sanctions, which are in contradiction with international law, prevented even its European friends from implementing their commitments.

