Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
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Madam Chairperson,
Director General,
Excellencies, Dear Colleagues,
At the outset, I would like to point out that the Director General’s latest report under this agenda item includes some aspects which I deem it necessary to elaborate them more for the sake of establishing a better understanding about the work done and the future perspective in this regard.
I would like to highlight the fact that, once again, the current report of the Director General has a very important point, consistent with the previous ones, which, among others, confirms that there is no safeguards related issue regarding Iran’s ongoing nuclear activities. This is unacceptable that for the past two decades, Iran’s nuclear issue is occasionally raised in the Agency based on unfounded allegations, while there has been no single evidence of diversion of the nuclear materials to non-peaceful purposes. It should have been known so far that such fabricated allegations are aimed at creating a political and polarized environment in the Agency, which threatens its integrity and technical statutory mandate. Therefore, this unjustified and useless paly in the Agency has to be stopped before it is too late.