Library Documents on Iran's Nuclear Program
August 1, 1991
This report provides, on the one hand, detailed data on the utilization of the various funds made available for technical co-operation activities in a particular year and, on the other hand, an impression of the results achieved.
October 29, 1990
IAEA technical co-operation project schedules for 1991-92
January 1, 1990
Text of the Additional Supply Agreement of 9 December 1988 between the IAEA and the Governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran and of Argentine for the transfer of enriched uranium for a research reactor in Iran.
August 1, 1989
This report provides, on the one hand, detailed data on the utilization of the various funds made available for technical co-operation activities in a particular year and, on the other hand, an impression of the results achieved.
November 11, 1988
IAEA technical co-operation project schedules for 1989-90
August 1, 1988
This report provides, on the one hand, detailed data on the utilization of the various funds made available for technical co-operation activities in a particular year and, on the other hand, an impression of the results achieved.
December 13, 1974
1. The text[1] of the agreement between Iran and the Agency for the application of safeguards in connection with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons[2] is reproduced in this document for the information of all Members.2. The Agreement entered into force on 15 May 1974, pursuant to Article 25.