Publication Type:
- International Enforcement Actions
Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers:
Mahmoud Yadegari, an Iranian-born Canadian citizen who ran a business in Toronto, was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months' imprisonment after being found guilty, in Canada, of attempting to illegally export U.S.-origin pressure transducers to Iran through Dubai in March 2009. Pressure transducers can be used in gas centrifuge uranium enrichment and are subject to United Nations sanctions on nuclear-related exports to Iran. Yadegari was the first individual in Canada to be tried and convicted for violating a combination of Canadian sanction and export control laws.
[1] "Yadegari Guilty," News Release, Public Prosecution Service of Canada, July 6, 2010.
[2] Supplementary Agreed Statement of Facts, Queen v. Mahmoud Yadegari, Ontario Court of Justice.
[3] Christopher Kent, Dunniela R. Kaufman, and Olivia Wright, "Recent Developments In Canadian Export Controls/Sanctions Laws," Mondaq, August 4, 2010.