Publication Type:
- International Enforcement Actions
Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers:
An investigation revealed that in March 2009 Heli-Ocean Technology Co., Ltd., a Taiwanese company, shipped 108 pressure transducers to Iran. The gauges - dual-use items that are essential for centrifuge uranium enrichment, but have other, commercial applications - were ordered from Inficon Holding AG, a Swiss manufacturer. Heli-Ocean serves as Inficon's agent in Taiwan. The company that placed the order, Roc-Master Manufacture and Supply Company in China, originally asked for delivery of the transducers to its Shanghai location, but then switched course and requested that Heli-Ocean deliver the parts to Moshever Sanat Moaser in Tehran, assuring Heli-Ocean that they were not intended for Iran's nuclear program. Taiwan's Bureau of Foreign Trade investigated the shipment, but determined that it was not an export violation because at the time it occurred the parts involved were not included on Taiwan's Strategic High-Tech Commodities list.
[1] Peter Enav and Debbie Wu, "How Nuclear Equipment Reached Iran," Associated Press, February 28, 2010.
[2] S.Y. Lin and Flor Wang, "BOFT Clarifies Report on Company Selling Nuclear Components to Iran," Central News Agency (CNA) via Ministry of the Interior,, December 18, 2009.