Publication Type:
- International Enforcement Actions
Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers:
An investigation was triggered when the International Atomic Energy Agency received an e-mail that alleged the shipment of illegal goods to Iran, naming Javedan Mehr Toos (JMT) as the recipient. JMT received valves used on cylinders to transport uranium powder, valves used in the uranium enrichment process, and vacuum gauges. According to the e-mail, JMT acquired the valves from an intermediary named Vikas Kumar Talwar representing Zheijiang Ouhai Trade Corp., a Chinese company that is a subsidiary of Wenzhou-based Jinzhou Group. Vikas Kumar Talwar and Zheijiang Ouhai Trade Corp. have both come up in prior investigations of Iranian efforts to procure nuclear equipment, according to a U.S. law enforcement official. Western officials said JMT has been working since last year to procure nuclear materials on behalf of Kalaye Electric Company and has sought to acquire magnets used in centrifuges during uranium enrichment.
[1] Peter Fritsch and David Crawford, "Iran Nuclear Ring Probed," Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2010.