Iran Pooya

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear


No. 8, Haqani Exp. Way, Vanak Sq., 15187, Tehran


(+98-21) 88779497-8


(+98-21) 88779499

Supplied material for the production of casings for IR-1 and IR-2 centrifuges; listed by the European Union on December 1, 2011 as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems; with some exceptions, European Union member states must freeze all funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by the listed entity, and prevent funds or economic resources from being made available to it; sanctioned by the governments of South Korea, Norway, and Switzerland, restricting business and financial transactions with the entity and/or freezing its assets in those countries.

Produced aluminum cylinders for centrifuges for Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Iran Centrifuge Technology Company; a subsidiary of Bonyad e-Mostazafan Foundation; operates the largest extruder of aluminum in Iran.

Mentioned Suspect Entities & Suppliers: 

Date Entered: 

May 1, 2012

Date Last Modified: 

May 1, 2012