Iran's Nuclear Card

Commentary Magazine
February 1, 2004

Publication Type: 

  • Articles and Reports

Weapon Program: 

  • Nuclear

Related Country: 

  • Iraq
  • North Korea


Gary Milhollin and Valerie Lincy

It is now clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been operating a string of secret nuclear sites in violation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT). In November, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the world organization that is supposed to inspect nuclear sites, passed a resolution condemning Iran for its transgressions and threatening additional measures if it finds “further serious failures” in the country’s adherence to the treaty’s strictures. The United States pressed for even stronger action. The Europeans and the Russians resisted, and the issue will be revisited by the IAEA in March. The most significant question now at the fore is: what is Iran likely to do next?
