Also Known As:
Martyr Beheshti University
University of Shahid Beheshti
Shahid Behashti University
Shaheed Beheshti University
Beheshti University
Shahid martyr Beheshti University
National (Shahid Beheshti) University
Weapon Program:
- Nuclear
- Missile
- Shahid Beheshti University, Evin, Tehran 1983963113, Iran
- P.O. Box 19395/4716, Tehran 19834, Iran
- Shahid Shahriari Square, Daneshjou Boulevard, Shahid Chamran Highway, Tehran 1983969411, Iran
- East Vafadar Blvd., Tehranpars, Tehran, Iran
- P.O. Box: 19839-4716, Evin, Tehran, Iran
(0098) 21 29902866
(009821) 2403041
(+98 21) 29901
+98 (21) 29902222
+98 (21) 22431601
+98 (21) 22431603
+98 (21) 73931
+98 (21) 73932651
(98) 21 2990 3244
+98 (21) 29903268
98 21 2243 1919
+98 (21) 77312780
(98) 21 2241 1592
Entity Web Site:
An Iranian university with a focus on postgraduate and research programs; carries out scientific research relevant to the development of nuclear weapons, according to the European Union; overseen by Iran's Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology.
Has conducted research on the optimal parameters for a cascade of gas centrifuges; has conducted research on the separation of uranium from wastewater using electrodialysis; has received a request for assistance with calculations relating to the state of criticality of a solid sphere of uranium being compressed by high explosives from a senior official at the Section for Advanced Development Applications and Technologies (SADAT); affiliated researchers have published studies relating to the generation, measurement, and modelling of neutron transport.
In 2017, reportedly agreed to establish a joint laboratory with the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI); in 2015, university chancellor visited the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant and received a briefing on the operation of the uranium enrichment centrifuges; in 2013, held a seminar on radiation protection in collaboration with the AEOI.
In 2018, hosted a conference on space law in collaboration with the United Nations Information Center and as well as Iranian organizations, including the Aerospace Research Institute (ARI) and the Iranian Space Agency (ISA); reportedly designed and built a plasma thruster and non-destructive laser system for testing thermal and mechanical effects on satellites in collaboration with Iran's Defense Industries Training and Research Institute.
Research institutes include:
- Cyberspace Research Institute
- Electrical Networks Research Institute
- Environmental Sciences Research Institute
- Institute for Science and Technology Studies
- Institute of Medical Science and Technology (IMSAT)
- Laser and Plasma Research Institute (LAPRI)
- Medical Plants and Drugs Research Institute
Professors include the physicist Mohammad Mehdi Tehranchi, who was a supervisor in Iran's pre-2004 nuclear weapons program known as the Amad Plan.
Sadollah Nasiri is president; former presidents include Ahmad Shaabani and Tehranchi; faculty has included former AEOI head Fereidoun Abbasi-Davani and Omid Noori-Kalkhoran, who reportedly works at the AEOI's Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI); according to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has employed former deputies of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh-Mahabadi.
Established in 1959.
Listed by the European Union on May 23, 2011, as an entity linked to Iran's proliferation-sensitive nuclear activities or Iran's development of nuclear weapon delivery systems;[33] with some exceptions, European Union member states must freeze all funds and economic resources owned, held or controlled by the listed entity, and prevent funds or economic resources from being made available to it.[34]
Sanctioned by the governments of Australia, Canada, and Switzerland, restricting business and financial transactions with the entity and/or freezing its assets in those countries.
Listed by the Japanese government in 2020 as an entity of concern for proliferation relating to missiles and nuclear weapons.